Saturday, December 5, 2009

It would take decades before the unaided eye could detect any motion in these tortured wisps and eddies of gas yet the sense of turbulent expansion was overwhelming. We.

As I did or rather as I thought I did such treachery as his was almost unbelievable. He was the sweetest sunniest soul I ever knew and no two brothers could have been as fond of each other as we seemed to be. But there was no chance of mistake. He had gone and taken our child with him likely in accordance with a plan of revenge long cherished by him. We never heard of him or the child again. They disappeared as completely as if the earth had.
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You work for Kid Afrika Cherry?" " 'Bout a week. " "You really a med-tech?" She shrugged inside her jackets. "Close enough to take care of the Count. " "The Count?" "Count yeah. Kid called him that once. " Little Bird shivered. He hadn't gotten to work with his styling tools yet so his hair stuck out in all directions. "What if " Little Bird ventured "he's a vampire?" Cherry stared at him. "You kidding?" Eyes wide Little Bird solemnly shook his head. Cherry looked at Slick. "Your friend playing with a full deck?" "No vampires " Slick said to Little Bird "that's not a real thing understand? That's just in stims. Guy's no vampire okay?" Little Bird nodded slowly looking not at all reassured while the wind popped the plastic taut against the milky light. He tried to get a morning's work in on the Judge but Little Bird had vanished again and the image of the figure on the stretcher kept.
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