Saturday, December 5, 2009

Invitations (the _first_ one of course) and make you another little visit. I love Dorfield and I love you and the dear Colonel and Irene and Alora and I long to see all of you again..

Hole in Fiddlecumdoo's head and then pumped him full of air with a bicycle pump. When he had filled out into his natural shape they put a plug in the hole and stopped it up; and after that Fiddlecumdoo could walk around as well as before his accident. His only danger now was that he might get punctured; and indeed his friends found.
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On his way out he paused again head cocked and then walked slowly around into the stall area just far enough so he could see under the door of the first stall. The dirty white sneakers were still there. The building which used to be known as Music City was almost completely empty Saturday morning empty but the sneakers were still there. Tell's eyes fixed upon a fly just outside the stall. He watched with an empty sort of avidity as it crawled beneath the stall door and onto one of the sneakers. There it stopped and simply fell dead. It tumbled into the growing pile around the sneakers. Tell saw with no surprise at all (none that he felt anyway) that among the flies was a large cockroach lying on its back like a turtle. He left in large painless strides and his progress back to the studios seemed.
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